about something you have seen.
And is worth complaining about the London 2012 Olympic logo, which is just so naff it’s unbelievable.
Ah new, invigorating, original, street, 21st century we are told.
Err well no I mean the swastika has been around for a while, ZZ Top have been going since what 1969, Benny from Top Cat has been seen pretty constantly on TV from 1961 and kids have been screwing up pieces of coloured crepe paper sticking it to card at school to take home so their parents can litter the fridge door with little Johnnies creation for some time.
No, in no way can this be called new, in fact when watching the flashing clip they had to take down from the website for fear of it causing epileptic fits it just looked like the cheap naff graphics you get at the beginning of early morning weekend TV shows in the late 80s early 90s – like the kids Saturday morning programme with the aforementioned Gopher (though I preferred to watch Iggy Pop rape a teddy bear on No.73 on the other side).
Yes you could just see Janet Street Porter and like minded middle class media wankers following up the logo with some ridiculous camera angles and some pretentious front berk giving us some “performance art” on Network 7.
The surprising thing is it only cost £400,000, I mean what ad company worth the while would only charge less that half a million quid for the logo for a money pit rip off Olympics like 2012 is heading to be. That is second division.
The unsurprising thing is the lack of any British identity to it, past the word London, of course there was never going to be any red, white and blue anywhere near it lest it offend some. You know the type Anglo-Saxon but with a head dress, beads and mung beans. Only others it would offend are likely to be heading for public transport with a ticking backpack regardless of the logo’s colouring.
It’s just so very Blair’s Britain…
Did you see this? Brilliant. It was up for quite a bit of time before anyone at bbc caught a clue:
Goatse Olympics: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1050/529967993_c403bcb809_o.png
Classic, this’ll probably be the only thing the Beeb won’t be repeating at regular intervals.