but didn’t know why.
Looked at a couple of site ad stats when I got online this morning, why were those Adsense impressions so high compared to normal? Would there be a lot of people searching for the Weegie Terrorists? Nah. I hadn’t made any disparaging remarks about the Diana concert the dullards that attended it or played at it – though I probably should have 👿
So what could it be? A quick look at AWStats and it’s searches for Joslyn Noel Morse leading to this NSFW post with pics, looks like the site gets good placing on Yahoo and Live for her.
First thought is what has A-Rod been up to now, hits for that post trailed off after her 15 minutes were up, but apart from getting himself injured last night he hadn’t done much it was his wife’s sartorial elegance at Yankee stadium on Sunday night.
Yes the classy piece of attire that is the “Fuck You” t-shirt pictured, I couldn’t find a pic without the “uck” blurred out. A piece of clothing that I don’t think even the WAGS would wear, money it can buy you a lot of things in this world, especially when hubby earns about $27million this year with a few bucks extra for the All Star place and for getting the most fans votes in the AL , but not class.
What it does buy is a free ride from the authorities to wear an item in a stadium where chanting “box seats suck” gets you ejected. I wonder how they’d handle some good old football chants 😀
So that little contretemps and A-Rod’s strained left hamstring did their bit to overshadow the Rocket finally getting that 350th career win last night over the Twins.
Just have to hope it kicks the team on and more importantly that Rodriguez’s injury isn’t that bad that it needs a trip to the DL, which you feel would really kill off the team for the year, it probably wouldn’t take too much to do that the way things are going but two weeks minimum without the best hitter and only real power at the moment – killer. At least he wasn’t going to take part in the HR Derby at the All Star game that probably would have screwed him for the rest of the season, particularly if he won it.