Thank you Carragher for

spitting the dummy and talking about “retiring” from England.

Yes you’re not a too bad club player, who has had a couple of pretty good seasons, especially in Europe and against Barcelona in particular.

But you’re not a great player you are in the words of the late Charlie Williams “never a fancy player, but could stop the buggers that were”. Yeah a stopper and while every team needs one of them they only need one on the field at a time in central defence and that job is taken up by Terry.

You complain that you thought you’d be fighting Ferdinand for the place alongside Terry, why would that ever happen you should only be looked on as the standby for the current captain and then an extra whinge about those that came in ahead of you when Ferdinand was missing for the Estonia game.

When facing the might of Estonia the last thing a team with a coach who starts off with a defensive mindset needs is two clod hopping lumpers in the middle of defence, you need a ball player in there, which Jamie you ain’t in any shape or form, Ledley and Woodgate are, it’s bad enough when Rio lumps the ball upfront but you’re even worse at it.

You have to face it Jamie you aren’t the Bobby Moore you’re the Jack Charlton, well the Jack Charlton understudy.

The other thing it’ll preserve us England fans from is watching you dull up the wing with your “fullback” play. I know it’s not your preferred position, though you have played quite a bit there for ‘Pool, but christ on the right you make Gary Neville look positively dynamic and on the left you make Ashley Cole look this world class we kept being told he is. All we need now is for Phil Neville to follow you lead and then the McClown might start looking past the usual…failures…suspects.

At this point after being overlooked by the current England regime I myself would like to announce my retirement from the international game….to concentrate on my club commitments of course.

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