Did anyone really believe Levy

or Comolli?

Well on anything that’s come out of their lying gobs of late but mainly on transfers.

All the media types kept going on about how much money Martin Jol was given to spend during the summer and asking why would they sack someone when they’ve just given him all that cash to spend. They never seemed to grasp what was bleeding obvious to the rest of us it wasn’t Jol making the signings it was Levy and Comolli.

No matter how much the pair bleat on about it being a group decision, everyone knew what Spurs needed and they knew that spending £16.5 million on the likes of Darren Bent wasn’t in the best interests of the club progressing.

A couple of left sided players – fullback and midfield, someone to drive the midfield, the chairman’s idea for that position being Jenas 🙄 and a new centre back. Jol wanted Bale for the left, great choice a no brainer really and the only one they got for him and it’s turned out to be by far the best buy. He also wanted Martin Petrov and Elano the former being the much needed left sided midfielder the latter someone who could run the centre of midfield but no the chairman and the gooner had other ideas. So while those two are helping City to their best start to a season for ages under Svennis we’re left with Bent stinking up the place.

A clean start was indicated with not only the removal of Martin but also Chris Hughton’s sacking, so why didn’t they go the whole hog and dump the much despised Comolli while they were at it.

Hopefully Ramos is a strong enough character he won’t put up with Levy and Comilli picking the players and team.

So not only at the Lane is there a new beginning but also the Bronx and the new Yankees West organisation.

Joe Girardi is the new manager at the Yanks and he’s picked a shirt number with significance, just have to hope that it’s soon an sign of past glories and not still a sign of future intent.

Bronx Banter has a good run down of the coaching staff Girardi will have round him for next season, third base coach Bobby Meacham must have a real love of the club to come back after all that happened to him in the ’80s. Of course Donnie won’t be there as he didn’t want to be an easy bat used by the media if things don’t go right, even though he was my favourite Yank growing up I think it was a better choice to pick Girardi ahead of him and it does mean he might take his curse away with him, that and A-Rods gone things could be looking up.

The Joe he replaced has made that long trudge West to the Dodgers, taking who knows how many Yanks with him. Could they all meet up again at the end of October next year?

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