Well it has to be said

Tottenham Hotspur 5 - ARSEnal 1
Tottenham Hotspur 5 - ARSEnal 1 - Carling Cup semi-final - January 2008

so here it is.

Nick Hornby! The man in the Mac! Lofty from Eastenders! The Queen! Alan Davies! Ainsley Harriot! Dale Winton! Osama bin Laden! – can you hear me, Osama bin Laden! Your boys took one hell of a beating! Your boys took one hell of a beating!

Imagine being outplayed by man-of-the-match Jermaine Jenas, now that is embarrassing.

Que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be. We’re going to Wem-ber-ley

Over celebrate this? Never even if it was the ARSE’s second string kids side this, Fabregas, Silva, Sagna, Hleb, Gallas, Diaby etc none of these ever see first team action for the Woolwich Wanderers and of course the Whinging one wasn’t that bothered the League Cup doesn’t mean anything to him, yeah you wouldn’t want to risk your main strike force bringing them on in a meaningless game when you’re 4-0 down would you.

Still it’s a good job he did, with his players showing the team spirit they’ll need, which of course he didn’t manage to see and no one told him about.

Now if Jenas played like that in every game, not just against relegation fodder, I would have no problem with him being an automatic choice that’s never subbed but I won’t be holding my breath, we’ll see in upcoming Cup and League games against ManUre if this was a flash in the pan.

So the not beaten them this millennium thing is over, though it really should have been three victories on the trot now.

Now just have to finish the job off, unlike the last 5-1 stuffing of a bogey team in the semi-final second leg, would be good to face a little team who aren’t that interested in tin pot cups, so that’ll be Chelsea then not the nine times league champions, five time Cup winner that Baron Greenback called “very small club“.

2 Replies to “Well it has to be said”

  1. Really great game. Why can’t you lot play like that in every game? Attack attack, attack attack attack!

    Seems like Ramos really is “Cup King”.

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