Whinging Wenger is right

for once when he said…

The score is very high and very brutal but I think it does not reflect what happened on the pitch.ARSEne Whinger

It didn’t reflect what happened at all it shouldn’t have been 5-1 it really should have been at least 8-1 with the easy chances Spurs missed. After the first leg’s score was wrong as well, what should that have been a three nil away win – lucky goals don’t count now – yeah Whinger the best team really lost this tie.

But someone has to have a word with him about the rules of the game…

The first shot on goal was a goal, the second goal was an own goal, the third was straight after half time.ARSEne Whinger

For some reason he seems to think that own goals and goals early in the second half don’t count towards the final outcome, that they are chalked off because of who did/didn’t score ’em or when they score ’em. 🙄

But I can understand why he’s unhappy about playing the team he did, because for all his bleating and that of his worshippers about “kids” and “reserves” there was an awful lot of first teamers with Champions League experience that were older than the likes of Lennon, Dawson and The Hudd that were humiliated on the night.

Show me a good loser and I’ll show you a loser is the phrase but the lack of dignity from this individual makes such moments all the sweeter, it’s no coincidence that very few in the game take to the man.

It’s worth a replay…

And make sure you get your wallpaper

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