What no last second screamer, no

set piece floating by everyone in the box to win it?

That isn’t how things were supposed to happen yesterday away at Chelski, we weren’t meant to come away with the first point of the season.

Maybe it shows what happen when you play your best central defensive partnership, a right back at right back, your best left back at left back, the only thing remotely resembling a defensive midfielder in front of the back four, a right winger on the right wing and the guy that played so well on the left in preseason heading back there.

But who wasn’t expecting someone in blue to come up with a screamer with the last kick of the ball, a Belletti brace, an Essien blast or a touch of brilliance from Deco to prove he actually was playing.

Thanks have to go to Big Phil, with Jenas putting in his usual inept performance in the middle, Ramos decided to shift him to right back for some unknown reason – well unknown for football reasons we all know the chairman dictates his place in the team – a move that could be a disaster with crosses being a perennial problem and Jenas just watching people go by him with no effort all day but the Brazilian decided to bring on two of the players that could compete with Jenas for biggest wastes of space Malouda and Kalou.

So thanks Phil for a move that makes you look less like Gene Hackman and more like Ben Turpin 😉

Phil Scolari or Gene Hackman
Phil Scolari or Ben Turpin
Phil Scolari or Ben Turpin

So the last day of the transfer window is on us and Spurs have handed over a bunch of cash already for Roman Pavlyuchenko, which does double the number of first team strikers available. It’s a signing I’m happy about, he has an excellent goal scoring record for club and country, though in the Euros he only scored three from more attempts than anyone else and there was a touch of the Defoe about him – getting in great positions, getting shots off but hitting everything, ‘keeper, woodwork, side netting, except the back of the net. Just have to wait and see if Ramos uses him correctly or will he find himself at left back.

Corluka is in from Man City, now I don’t know if they need another right back with Gunter and Hutton, though the latter is injured but maybe it’s all an exercise in good will making it easier for Spurs to sell City their main transfer target for a huge lump of cash now they’ve tons to spend, after all Berbatov said Manchester was his dream move.

A great move if it comes off, one it’ll piss off Fergie who desperately needs this type of striker and secondly it will show what Berbatov is really all about.

Now Spurs just have to get in at least one more striker as well as a holding midfielder oh and decent cover for Ledley at the back would be nice too.

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