Can I gloat about

Spurs beating Chelski?

Is that alright Mr. Borthwick, after all it doesn’t happen that often in the league now does it.

Excellent goal by the excellent Modric, via the excellent Lennon but also via the excellent header from Woodgate. How many time do you see a defender, especially English ones, in the Premier League aimlessly head the ball out and it end up with an opposing player. But not this time he guided it out brilliantly to the little winger. It played as big a part as Boswinga not letting the ball go out of play, Motty.

‘Arry has certainly done something to the side still unbeaten against the “top 4” – can say that now Villa are in free fall – all those chances the lot in blue had at the death, some even from set pieces and yet no equaliser or winner went in. It’s unheard of at the Lane. Previously Gomes would have made a howler and thrown the ball in the back of the net but here he showed that he can be a top notch keeper with quality save after save.

Previously the defence would have had a walkabout moment, poncing out of a challenge or a block allowing a clear shot on goal which would have flown in. But no and it got Ledley a deserved international recall from Fabio, fully fit he would have been an automatic pick over the years, he had everything Ferdinand has without the lazy boy moments and he’s a class above Terry.

Good to see Leghton Baines get a call as well, he’s been the class leftback in the league this season, good in defence and getting forward, he would have been in my last squad because and not just because the competition isn’t there, it would be on merit. Of course he’s just seen as an understudy to the scummiest player in the land. Funny when watching MotD2 I here a previous England fullback criticise a Villa player, who isn’t usually a fullback, for not sticking with his winger and giving him far too much space and yet that is the exact way Cashley Cole plays, except against Ronaldo, every time and they claim he’s the best in the world 🙄

Funny how Villa go on a bad trot of games and Fabio drops all their players, bar Barry, how desperately did the Italian not want Ashley Young around. When he’s in the squad, because he’s been in top form, he struggles to get on the park and when his team, who are fifth after all lose a few games he’s straight out, yet Downing who has been crap in an extremely crap side is still there to dullard up the left wing.

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