The man who would be

Ledley King
Ledley King


Should he turn out for England, should he have even been called up?

Well on form and ability there’s no doubt he should be part of the England setup, as I posted yesterday when fit and able he’s the best central defender England have. Yeah I know I’m biased but he’s far better than Ferdinand or Terry, it’s only his dodgy knee that’s stopping him being a huge money target for ManUre, the Milans, Real etc 😉

Should he play, well if it’s next Wednesday’s World Cup qualifier against the Ukraine then I’d have to say no, as it would mean he’d be out for Spurs the following weekend. If Fabio has what he thinks is his first two choices available why crock Ledley for nothing. He could play against Slovakia on Saturday but that’s a meaningless friendly and what chance he hobble off at some point and it then be announced he’ll miss the rest of the season. As ‘Arry says…

I said if Ledley plays against Ukraine next Wednesday, there is no way he would be able to play for us the following Saturday. I explained that but they have gone and picked him anyway. I can’t see it myself, it’s mad. It’s pointless at best.

Ledley came into training on Monday after the Chelsea game and his knee was badly swollen. He usually goes straight off to see the medical staff and they get to work on him. He hardly trains with us. He barely manages anything on a Friday the day before a game, that’s how it has to be with him.

Ledley is a fantastic player for us and I would never stop any player playing for their country. It’s great for them and it’s good for Spurs if we have players in the England squad, so I am sympathetic towards him. He has played really well this season.

But people have to understand the situation and how we have to manage him. He can play Saturday and Saturday, with a bit of work on an exercise bike or a swim in between. He has no cartilage in his knee ‘Arry Redknapp

This isn’t a David Bentley situation, he isn’t crying off because he claims to be tired, it isn’t a ManUre/Fergie style call off that he’s pulled off with most of his players claiming an “injury”, there is a genuine problem that means King can only play once a week and can’t train in between games.

It also brings into focus the reason behind Fabio calling up Ledley, it’s deserved on performances this season where ‘Arry has got him to start far more games than usual, 22, but where does it lead to. It can’t really be South Africa next year can it. Yes again I say on ability he should be in the World Cup squad but being practical it can’t happen, you can’t take a player who only plays once a week to a tournament like that. Though of course taking the crocked is something England have done at every competition since Spain ’82.

Fabio should have just stated like he did previously that Ledley would be part of the squad if not for his injury and left it at that. All would have been happy.

The huge question it leaves is why, at only 28 years of age, is Ledley or more to the point his knee still in this state? And why hasn’t he been to see Dr Richard Steadman, who may prefer to be known for other things but is principally thought of as the Doc that saved many a sports career, from the likes of Michael Owen, Ruud van Nistelrooy to John Elway and Joe Montana and he isn’t just a ligament specialist.

2 Replies to “The man who would be”

  1. ‘Arry does his best to gain more support from Spurs fans…

    At Portsmouth I had five players in the England squad…I never tried to persuade Sol not to go. I did not tell England he is too old and past it – ‘Arry Redknapp

    Now Judas isn’t going to like hearing that but I don’t see how he can twist it to claim either racism or homophobia…

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