It could almost have been a


But for the fact Spurs were at home, Burnely didn’t get a consolation, Defoe decided to miss the target all together rather than hit the keeper* and or woodwork. It was a Saturday afternoon much like those midweek trips Spurs have had of late as five were scored against a side from oop North.

Plenty of chances, finally a bit of luck from the officials – they just favour the big teams don’t they? – with a dodgy offside call against Burnely to deny them what would have been a equaliser. Luckily Burnley came to play which meant plenty of space for Spurs to play their game without much hindrance. Wouldn’t get my hopes up about Jenas after this game, yes he might have done well but he was given plenty of space and time which he needs, the disappearing act of the last two games is the real him.

Again Huddlestone managed as a stop gap in defence without having to face a great striker, though who didn’t think Nugent would come back to shove ‘Arry’s less than glowing assessment of the player he had foisted on him at Pompey down his throat. Speaking of strikers, ‘Arry rates at least three from his current squad, do we really know his opinion of Big Pav other than having him run about a bit, and had a tough choice to make on Saturday. Two from three or all three, well all three didn’t work previously but then against Burnley it might have. But no, tough choice made and midweek hattrick hero benched, well it was very doubtful that captain Keane wouldn’t find himself in the starting XI and could he drop Defoe?

I’ve never had more problems picking a team.
To leave Peter Crouch out after his hat-trick in midweek wasn’t easy but I went with the two little ones and their movement was fantastic.
With their big centre-halves I thought we would give them more problems than with a big man up there. That was a key factor ‘Arry Redknapp

Though it was good to see ‘Arry revert to the two little ones up front in the formation that had seen that unbeaten start to the season with Kranjcar dropping into the Modric spot. And didn’t it work out well for ‘Arry, as Keane scored more league goals in the one game than in all previous outings since his return.

And then with 84 minutes on the clock, Spurs five nil up, ‘Arry could bring on Bale and after over two years at the club and 24 league games the Welsh fullback could finally walk off the pitch on a winning Spurs side. Not a bad way to get back on track after those last two defeats.

Bolton away next game, unfortunately it’s a Saturday not a Wednesday trip North and it will be a far harder trip than the previous ventures, I’m not banking on another five goals.

*though Defoe did hit the keeper with one pile driver the rebound from which was first blamed for his dislocated fingers, now how hard would that shot have to be.

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