That was guaranteed to happen after

last week wasn’t it.

Of course Wigan would beat the conquerors of the Woolwich Scum, Sunderland, and Spurs wouldn’t quite match the goal output of the previous weekend. But it comes to something when there’s disappointment at an away point at Villa, remember all those years when that fixture was a nailed on home win.

Did Villa signal that this is a different Spurs now though with their tactics after Agbonlahor’s scrambled tenth minute goal gave them the lead. As soon as that went in it was a flat back claret and blue ten for the rest of the game. All their quick paced attacking outlets used to stifle the likes of Lennon, who spent most of the day with Ashley Young helping out his fullback, making sure last weeks display by the ‘ickle tyke wasn’t repeated.

Thankfully it was all just talk from ‘Arry about not changing a winning team, only new face from a week past being a forced change due to Woodgate being injured again. Saying that Palacios was back to his worst of late, almost as if Jenas was there beside him, thankfully Huddlestone stood up a bit more to cover the loss. Don’t know what was wrong with the Honduran but he shouldn’t really be overshadowed by the likes of Petrov – the Bulgarian Jenas – and Reo-Coker.

The Spurs plaudits though were rightly taken by Kranjcar in attack and Dawson in both defence and attack. Don’t know why the Croat was taken off for Keane, he was by far the best attacking outlet with Lennon and Defoe both well occupied. Dawson led the team well, with the much deserved captain’s armband on, looks to be back to the type of form he showed when he formed that excellent partnership with Ledley, also took his goal very well.

And then the strange feeling of being happy about a Chelski win, which of course helps keep Spurs in that third place spot in the league.

Then the little matter of being first out of the hat for the 3rd round of the F.A. Cup, Peterborough at home. Now normally I’d be quite happy about that, lower league side, no real outstanding pedigree, at home. But “The Posh” could only manage a draw against Middlesbrough on Saturday which completely buggered up the results I had for certain games and cost me a bit of cash. So I hope we absolutely hump those six-toed inbred little shitkickers come January.

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