Frings ain’t what they used

Werder Bremen 2 - 2 Tottenham - Champions League

to be.

This is the real deal, finally the promised land this is the Champions League but Spurs some how turn it into almost into exactly like watching them away at West Brom.

Out of the blocks all guns blazing, well most of them, ‘Arry going with the European formation, 4-5-1, which was kind of forced on him by the players available, changes from the weekend at the back and up front but also the inclusion of him in the middle.

That quick start that was needed, called for happened. Where would we be without Bale as he provided most of the impetus throughout the game for Spurs, ably assisted by van der Vaart. The Dutchman was all over the place, demanding the ball and running the game. This wasn’t new territory, competition nor venue, for him and he was loving it. So were all Spurs fans. Bremen were nowhere and Spurs looked to the manor born.

And the lead to highlight Spurs superiority wasn’t that long coming, 12 minutes, when Assou-Ekotto played the ball down the line to Bale, who was off, bye-bye Fritz – not a war/stereotype reference he was the fullback – and a great ball just inside the 6 yard box. Crouch is heading near post and his covering defender, Pasanen, can do nothing but guide it past his own ‘keeper. A well deserved lead.

The second, 6 minutes later, was even better and as well deserved. Now the former takes some saying for me as it started with a hell of a volley out to van der Vaart on the left wing. And pray tell who provided this great pass? Nah you’re kidding, but it went forward and found a Spurs shirt. Yup it was Jenas. I know amazing isn’t it. VdV put in a great cross, about 12 yards out, and Crouch powered his header into the top corner.

We are here and we belong here.

Should Crouch now be saved for the Champions League? Two games so far this season and 4 goals, a record of 21 in 45 European games, that added to his England tally, it looks like he is made for the higher level, when refs aren’t being mean to him.

So for 43 minutes Spurs looked very much at home, 48 years my arse. But of course this is Spurs and so Assou-Ekotto does everything he can to make sure he doesn’t kick the ball with his right foot, concedes a bizarre throw-in and before you know it the hosts are back in it 1-2. Slack defending by all involved, ‘keeper, centre-backs and fullback, hmm just like West Brom.

And just like Saturday it gave them the impetus and put Spurs on the back foot. Bremen’s boss had also made an astute tactical change bringing on Hunt who had a far greater impact than the player he replaced. In a way the break should have come at the right time, just stop them in their tracks and allow ‘Arry to ‘ave a word. Well it didn’t work out like that as Bremen came out in the second half as the finished the first. And two minutes later it was all level as Marin yet again was allowed to come inside, this time there was an end product, 2-2.

Spurs right side was a problem all night. It’s painful when Corluka gets the ball, it’s pretty much reached a Jenas level of frustration when he gets it. No pace, no confidence and absolutely no rapport with Lennon. It was no surprise that when ‘Arry wanted to change things he brought the lickle fella off. Lennon just hasn’t been the player he was at the start of last season.

So second half and Spurs were second best, where in the first 45 the movement was good the passing was crisp, tackles were won and possession was kept, after the break it was the exact opposite. But chances were still created and should have been taken. Much like the weekends Premier League game Spurs weren’t helped by an in jury to the man making them, tick, as van der Vaart exited just 4 minutes into the second period with a calf injury.

So the first foray into the world of the big boys. An away trip for the opener, minus the likes of Modric, Dawson and Defoe who would have taken and been reasonably happy with a draw, not loosing any ground on the other two sides – as the drew 2-2 as well. But after that first half display, who is disappointed that yet again the crumbled when a team was there for the taking. ‘Arry is. Should have won it in the first half, could have still won it in the second, as at the weekend Cudicini helped make sure we didn’t lose it.

Finally here, yeah we still belong…

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