It almost felt like a defeat


It shouldn’t have, it should have felt like one of the best displays b Spurs in the league for a while and after all it did end in a victory and three well needed points.

It was all out attack, flowing moves, chances by the hat-full, what 20 odd attempts, double figures on target. Bale was flying down left destroying all in his wake from ex-Madrid fullbacks to ex-Spurs fullbacks. Modric was running things in his sublime manner – disgracefully booked for being fouled. Van der Vaart was nominally on the right as part of ‘Arry’s switch from 4-5-1 to 4-4-2, he was never going to stay out there, when he could get involved so much more inside, which gave plenty of room for Hutton to bomb forward.

And if that was the game plan then it was mapped out to perfection against this Blackburn side that stumped up with a back five. Don’t give them any time to attack, they wanted to defend let ’em try and do it. Occupy them them solely in that and it worked as wave and wave of attacking Spurs players poured forward. This is what we wanted to see, especially at home. Christ even Jenas managed to not hide for most of the game and pass it forward – though he should have been booked for his disgraceful dive, obviously changed his desire for a move to Inter for a move closer, say the wandering Woolwich scum.

Well we got a great header from Bale for the opener, what a player, we got a great header from Pav from a cracking Bale cross, we even got a league goal from Crouch after a nice bit of opportunistic leg stretching, we even got another goal thanks to van der Vaart’s arm, we didn’t see the Dutchman score, first time he hasn’t registered at home.

But well also saw a missed penalty, missed sitters and a team hanging on at the end after being 4-0 up with less than 15 minutes to go.

And that’s what made it feel almost like a defeat, when feeling ecstatic should have been the order of the day after the blistering 75 minutes of play. But no clean sheet, when getting one would have seen us jump above Bolton. All those missed opportunities and then those two late consolation strikes by Blackburn just put a bit of a damper on things, soured a good victory. Oh how we miss Dawson and Ledley.

Didn’t notice the Jenas fanboys crowing about him not being his usual shite self mention his ineptness with Rovers’ first goal. Gallas is proving bar one game, yes a pretty big game but it’s the only one, to be a waste of that transfer fee. Don’t know where Gomes was going for the second but he shouldn’t have had to do anything if those in front of him could defend. But there’s the rub, why did they drop back, yeah I know they say you can’t keep up that attacking play all the game but they also say you use more energy when you don’t have the ball. Make your minds up they. Much like the commentators that were slagging Spurs off for bombing forward in all out attack, that then turned around and slagged them off for trying to defend and not being able to.

And is that the thing, would this have felt better if the Blackburn goals had come about while Spurs were going for it and not when hey were attempting to hold on to the lead?

Third of the season gone, seventh – after Sunderland doing Chelski at the bridge, which makes our home draw with them look better – after a pretty easy start to the league fixtures, those at the top struggling, no one really looking invincible, it should have been better than this.

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