This video should have lasted a little

Every Spurs goal in a competitive game from the 2010-11 season, in chronological order. 84 in total.


Unashamedly swiped after seeing a post from the Boy Hotspur, all Spurs competitive goals from this past season – 2010/11.

Now the first thing that struck me wasn’t how many real quality goals on show, or how good Pav looks in a highlights package, or how few real tap ins.

No, it was at the beginning, right at the start of the season when Crouch was powering in headers. I believe I commentated on it at the time, it’s not something he’s been that particularly good at, getting a bit of power through that spindly physique of his.

But it leaves yet another question over the season, where did that power go? From banging in headers left, right and centre he went back to flouncing about, either winning nothing in the air or weakly nodding it nowhere.

Just another frustration on the season gone…

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