Is there any magic

Tottenham Hotspur 3 - 0 Cheltenham Town, FA Cup, January 8th, 2012

out there?

January, the post Chrimbo and the Cup is back. Home to Cheltenham, second team and recovering first teamers. Oh the romance. Well it was back to the good days of the Cup with one respect. Radio broadcast only.

We all love the Cup but what does it really mean now? It’s great to win trophies, silverware in the cabinet, but in the end where does a day out with your captain lifting a cup get you these days compared to winning nothing but getting a top four place? All your foreign players know the F.A. Cup, they all watched the finals as kids but does winning the cup attract the quality ones to the club? Does winning it keep Modric at the club? If you’re not playing in Europe’s top competition midweek the following season no.

So third round Saturday, 3 o’clock even, the romanc… oh Pienaar starting. Like that is it.

Well from what I could gather from the radio commentary via BBC Radio Shitkicker some football actually took place. This was difficult to figure out as they were more interested in telling us how big Sebastien Bassong is and how close they were to the pitch and the team benches, generally acting like little kids on a trip out. For this it took three of them, one summariser – or was there two which would make four in total – and two main commentators doing that BBC thing of each taking one half of each half. It’s complete waste of license payers money – something to think about when next the BBC and those that use it as their dole office whinge about funding cuts. I mean add all the doubled up commentators to the salaries of the MotD lot, big ears, slaphead and tipsy. Without that lot maybe the Beeb could actually afford broadcasting rights to the Cup.

After all in this day and age who watches MotD live? With Sky+, Tivo and PVRs who doesn’t record it and skip through the expert analysis of Alan Shearer which basically amounts to repeating what Lineker has just said in the question while completely butchering the English language.

Suppose it could be worse it could be the talking armpit Adrian Chiles repeating a phrase… repeating a phrase… in every bloody sentence. It was taken to extreme just before the second half of the Citeh vs. ManUre tie when he repeated more than one phrase more than once.

So anyway apparently Spurs pretty much cruised it, Kranjcar was given more time and space than he’ll ever get in a proper game and so could boss things with little or no effort. Does it make him any more of a bench warmer? Probably not. Pienaar didn’t do anything to make any other club say we need him, more just Spurs fans saying why did we buy him.

Dawson returned from an age out and survived. Which is more than Ledley did even though he didn’t feature in the game in any way whatsoever he still came away from the weekend with a hamstring injury.

Dos Santos really figured out what you are supposed to do in these shop window games. So was robbed of a first Spurs goal by a petty selfish act by Defoe. Surprised he wasn’t offside. Dos Santos did more good stuff in the build up to the second, Pavlyuchenko scoring from Defoe’s cross and then he finally broke the duck with a deflected attempt. Could it finally seal a move that all parties seem desperate for? Leaving us to wonder why we never got anything from a player that shines so much on the international stage. Well apart from the obvious, nights out, booze and ‘Arry doesn’t seem to like ‘im.

Anyway the Robins had their day out, apparently enjoyed themselves as the radio blokes did and it’s off to Watford for the next round…

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