There must be a ‘Arry related title for

Watford 0 - 1 Tottenham Hotspur - FA Cup, fourth round, January 27, 2011

this post.

But after watching Spurs beat Watford in the Cup last night I just can’t be arsed to think of one. Well if they couldn’t be bothered why should I?

So the expected weakened side didn’t quite appear on the team sheet – though it seemed so on the pitch – I wondered if there had been a change of priorities after the defeat to Citeh. No more title chasing, just consolidate the top four, or better top 3 spot – just he says – and now go for some silverware and as this is the only one left.

Either that of ‘Arry couldn’t spell the names of those that would have been fielded in a weakened side.

It made for a more uncomfortable night, as at least with a second string out there you could consolidate yourself with some abuse of Pienaar, while wondering what does he do and why did we buy him? The thing is most of the talented kids you want to get a run out in such games are now out on loan to Championship sides.

So Modric was stuck out in his own little no man’s land the left, van der Vaart swamped in the middle, Parker doing his usual bit – those passing straight back from the player you’ve got the ball from are really fucking useless at the best of times they’re even worse when the initial passer is picking himself off the floor. Adebayor and Defoe were absent though according to the teamsheet they were there. It was only until both were substituted late on it became obvious. Adebayor departed with a about fucking time look on his face that summed up his night. Defoe was his usual anonymous person without the usual knocking a goal in to get his fanboys screaming he has to start. Adebayor’s downward spiral just keeps going, no he did get any decent service, but the work wasn’t there as it was in the first few months at the club and for the last few games he just doesn’t seem to be able to control the ball at all.

Van der Vaart getting the usual abuse about dropping deep, doing what he wants, going where he wants and doing too much. Well he had to do something the rest weren’t. Spurs just kept gifting Watford the ball. Modric’s passing was abysmal when compared to his high standards. Apparently he was ill and bizarrely ‘Arry only received this news – that Modric had been ill for the last few days – from the doctor after picking the side. Surely Bond, Jordan or Allen knew this as well. Did ‘Arry not talk to them beforehand? Did they not mention anything? Does any of them want a job captaining a cruise ship?

So van der Vaart pops up with a 25 yarder that the Watford ‘keeper should have done better with, even though it dipped, just before the break.

Second half was just as dismal as Watford built up their chances stats which ended with 25 shots to 6, which is normal for a Spurs game that’s one nil but it’s usual for Spurs to be having the shots not the other way round. In one short space Cudicini and Watford’s inability to score were the only things to save this being the big upset of the Cup.

Undeserved on balance of play yes on taking chances then no. Apparently a win is a win. Spurs used to have trouble getting going in early Saturday kick-offs, you can now add Friday night ones as well. And it’s off to the next round…

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