André Villas-Boas! Didn’t see that

André Villas-Boas
New Spurs manager André Villas-Boas


The only thing more predictable than Spurs finally announcing Luís André de Pina Cabral e Villas-Boas as the new head coach was the immediate backlash from ‘Arry’s chums in the media.

Sky Sports News, talkSport, the Sun, you know all the outlets that ‘Arry said only idiots phone/contact.

As they all claimed AVB would feel the backlash of disgruntled fans who don’t want a Chelsea failure, except it’s those that don’t want him that seem to be in the overwhelming minority. I know for one I’m pretty happy, sick of ‘Arry and his games and on March the 4th of this year when AVB was given the boot by Abramovich I one name I’d be very happy to take over…

…because as I stated at the time…

It’s not the same situation as Spurs, there’s no revolution needed at The Lane, most of the pieces are in place and most fit with the way AVB plays. The team ‘Arry had could have competed if the person in charge had a bit more tactical nous – could anyone have less?

The media claim there’ll be a player backlash to go with the fans one. Well I’m pretty sure before Gareth Bale signed his new contract extension Daniel Levy might have mentioned who was the front runner for the top job. Funny that didn’t send the Welshman running off into the hands of all those supposed suitors.

At Spurs he won’t have to deal with dropping the old guard, no problems with Terry or ‘Arry’s nephew, Lampard. No problem with revolutionising the way of playing, introducing an attacking, entertaining style of game, it’s already there, there in spades. The players like Kaboul are young and quick, they can play the high line

Also while Levy can be seen by some as trigger happy there’s not the pressure from above as there was at Chelski. All these people going on about his short term in charge at the club, after they were happy to fork out £13.3 million for his services let’s not forget, eight months a failure. But then they sacked Ancelotti twelve months after he delivered them the double. José Mourinho was shown the door a year after he brought their second title in his reign and a few months after delivering the F.A. and League Cup double. They were quite happy with Luiz Felipe Scolari in the first few months of his tenure.

And while the media keep going on about Chelsea sacking AVB they make no mention of the man who took over from him, a man they’ve been lauding, being sacked from his previous job at West Brom.

The Brian Clough analogy seems a good one. Cloughie went into Leeds and faced a backlash from the senior players, for Terry, Drogba, Lampard read Bremner, Hunter and Giles, he lasted 44 days. A few months later he surfaced at Nottingham Forest a league title and two European Cups followed.

AVB just needs to get a couple of things right with the squad he’s inherited and the new players who should be coming in -Gylfi Sigurdsson and Jan Vertonghen. That is: Sandro not Parker, luckily AVB can do foreign especially when they both speak Portuguese, god forbid he turns to Jenas as I’ve heard some mention, we’ve got better, always have. Play the left winger on the left wing. As I said it isn’t going to take much to make it succeed.

But as I also said above in that March 4th Tweet with the media give him a chance, straight away they’re decrying the Portuguese league and the Europa cup while conveniently omitting the relegation of Southampton and current plight of Portsmouth.

But AVB doesn’t do hanging out the car window spouting on about evryfink, doesn’t play the media’s game, so straight away he’s one up from Spurs fan view and one down from ‘Arry’s chums. Oh for the start of the season and the first Match Of The Day and proclamation from the great Oracle. As soon as Hansen slags him off you know AVB will be a success…

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