Another tail of missed


Last nights 1-1 draw at the Woolwich Wanderers library was another case of failing to take the chances.

Outplayed the scum twice now at their place and come away with only a draw, all down to not taking gilt edged chances on offer, Keano’s pen miss last time and sitters by Malbranque and especially Defoe this time round.

And yet again it had an inevitable feel to it when Walcott’s lucky bounce went in and you knew they’d bleat on about resilience when it was pure luck nowt else.

Much is being made of Robinson’s exclusion, is it an indication he won’t be round long? Well what ever it’s just the way his luck is going that he’s dropped for this game when Cerny had sod all to do really. With the King back marshaling the defence they looked a far better outfit, it’s no coincidence Dawson looks far better with the captain next to him as do the fullbacks and so would Robinson, it’s not the other way round – him causing a lack of confidence in the defence – as some see it.

Well like last year we went up, out played them and go into the second leg level pegging but this time we’ve an away goal that can count after extra time and we go back to the Lane for the second leg. Play like that but take those chances and well…who knows…it wouldn’t be Spurs if things were sure things.

Well I got the Big Sam job prospects wrong, after I said I thought he’d outlast Benitez at ‘Pool. I didn’t think he’d last the season but thought it would be a few weeks yet.

The boss sitting with the fans can’t have helped, can’t be fun standing surrounded by fellow barcoders who are shouting “you don’t know what you’re doing” at someone you’re paying a few million quid to produce some dire stuff that some call football.

One last two fingered salute to the fans by Shepherd before he departed, he must have known most of them wouldn’t like the “Bolton style” of play up there. Well they probably all wanted him to stiffen the teams defences up and thought he could, but those he splashed out on didn’t exactly do that so when playing crap and still conceding soft goals there’s no hiding place.

Now we have to persuade all involved that the only man for the job is Shearer and kill three birds with one stone. Get the dullard off our TV screens, get the Toon relegated and end for ever all talk of him ever getting the England job, this should be the final nail for Sam as well.

But the way they’re talking it’s someone currently employed as a manager who will be pursued, with the bookies favourite being good old ‘Arry. Well he has got Pompey playing some decent stuff, made some good signings but would he want to move up Norf? He’s comfortable darn Sarf at a club where he’s got things set up as he likes, doing well and with no real pressure and that’s the big difference.

Pompey have had a sticky patch at home not scoring and you haven’t heard any real dissent from the fans, take that kind of form to the Toon and the pressure would be on. Pompey happy to be in the Prem anything else is a bonus, Toon living fifty years in the past, don’t win anything or get into the Champions League and around 16 months later you’re gone – average manager’s life there if you discount Keggy and Robson’s 5 year stints, since Jim Smith was in charge, has Terry McDermot been there through all of this? Maybe he’s the problem, first thing the new guy should do get rid.

So who is out there, Jose is a pipe dream, there’s only a couple of jobs in England I think he’d go for, ManUre and ‘Pool the latter only to piss Benitez off.

Well there’s one individual who is free at the moment, has links in the North and with the bad weather comes with his own brolly 😀

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