Can you feel it, see it, hear it today

Faith No More - Epic (Official Music Video)

If you cant, then it doesn’t matter anyway.

The reunion bandwagon continues with news that Faith No More are getting back together for a European tour this summer.

But it’s not going to be a real reunion because a major part will be missing “Big Sick Ugly” Jim Martin won’t be involved. Can’t remember where I first heard FNM’s breakout single “We Care A Lot” but I know I heard it so much in a short period of time I got a bit sick of it to be honest. I do remember I borrowed the first album with Mike Patton – “The Real Thing” – from me mate Kev, though I had heard a few tracks and I’m thinking the “From out of Nowhere” video was shown quite a bit on “The Power Hour” – Now there’s a blast from the past with the metal robot dinosaur intro and the somewhat wooden robot Nikki Groocock presenting, before “Droogies, boozers, strumpets and losers” Krusher joined*.

The follow up “Epic” got a lot of airplay as well and they were just on rock/metal TV programmes…

…but neither bugged me the way “We Care” ended up doing. And their version of Sabbath’s “War Pigs” is excellent…

I liked their next album, “Angel Dust”, but it wasn’t “The Real Thing” and then Big Jim was gone and they went all cheesy easy listening and up themselves, the man that gave them the heaviness the grit was gone, yeah I know he had a beard but I won’t hold it against someone on this occasion.

So it’s not a real reunion, Big Jim was integral to the real FNM.

*Krusher on Raw Power with Bullseye the dog.

Rock Hard, Rock Heavy, Rock Animaaaaal !!!

One Reply to “Can you feel it, see it, hear it today”

  1. I rather liked Album of the Year. Some great songs on there and I’ve missed FNM since they broke up.

    I think I read somewhere that Big Jim could puke on demand. Interesting party piece if it’s true

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