A game of six sixths

we lost the first sixth 3-0.

But won the next five sixths 3-1, with 10…well 9 men really.

They say – you know who they are don’t you? – that the Champions League is a step up from the international game. If that’s true wouldn’t it still be preferable to start with a seasoned international, one that plays well for a reasonable national team on a regular basis rather than an international afterthought?

How many hearts sank when they saw the name Jenas on the starting XI team sheet for Spurs last night? I know mine did, it just brings a foreboding of what will come. With van der Vaart suspended a replacement had to be found, we don’t have a like for like but at least Kranjcar would be somewhat similar.

And true to form it all started out so Jenas like as the rest of them looked lost and scared in the San Siro, giving possession away straight from kick-off, dropping back, lollygagging and bottling it. Jenas mincing back letting Zanetti glide past him, Hutton comes inside and Gallas is lost. How many seconds was that?

A non-Spurs fan asked me the other day which position would these quality players be in that ‘Arry stated he needs to make a real challenge. At the time I said a real top quality striker and a centre-back, what was it nine minutes in last night I changed that to wanting just to decent fullbacks. Fullbacks that are on it, don’t slack off and can actually tackle without doing something stupid, along with getting forward reasonably well.

As Assou-Ekotto was on his heels and seemed somewhat oblivious to all that was going round him, nice ball played in that huge gap between him and Bassong. Gomes had to do something, though did he have to make it so easy for the ref to give a penalty and the red card. I was hoping at the time it was BAE he was sending off but no Gomes went much to the delight of Pugwash waving his imaginary card on the sideline. Loathsome scumbag.

As the penalty took an absolute age to be taken, with the confusion over who should go and the subsequent substitution to get Gomes’ replacement in goal on, it all came quite a bit surreal. Especially with the fact ‘Arry chose to bring off Modric for Cudicini instead of Jenas. Modric can tackle, can win the ball back, he can also give you something going forward and he isn’t scared of doing his bit.

A few minutes later it just got worse as Inter came straight down the middle, made Gallas look like the chump we wondered we might get instead of the decent player we were promised, then Huddlestone’s piss weak attempt at the ball, it was all too simple. Fifteen minutes gone, one sixth of the game and it’s 3-0, to the reigning champions.

During all this Spurs were playing by the Jenas method, hastily passing the ball on to get rid of it as soon as possible to abrogate any responsibility. As the ball kept fining itself at the feet of BAE who invariably humped it up the park vaguely in the direction of Crouch. It’s the problem in such situations with the big fella, not his fault, but down to ten men and things going badly too many resort to the mindless lump. And it just gives a side like Inter too much free possession.

Twenty minutes of not conceding, victory! Then Coutinho slides the ball past Gallas to Eto’o making the Frenchman look even more of a defensive mug, who thought was even possible now, and it’s four. Yeah you’ve got only ten men but a back four plus four in the middle should do a lot better in that situation, especially when all you are doing is defending. Coutinho, there’s a talent that’s been gifted to Pugwash, how long before he sells the young lad to pay for Kuyt?

Four nil at half time and you’re thinking phew. Also thinking why was there only 1 minute added on, penalty took about 5. ‘Arry you better sort this out and fast, yes we can take a defeat but the goal difference could be vital come the final reckoning.

Seven minutes after the break that goal difference looked a little better as Bale takes the break out ball from Crouch in the Spurs’ half, leaves Maicon standing and hares past Zanetti into the box and a cracking left foot strike into the far corner of the net. A great goal on the big stage.

It also showed the failings of Spurs, with Bale and Lennon against an ageing Inter backline, more should have been made with the pace. Chivu was booked early after the third goal but Lennon never really attacked him again. Run at him, sooner or later he’ll take you out and the ref will even things up a bit.

It took a while, nearly forty minutes through which Inter dropped off and Spurs had a little respite when the TV finally showed a replay of the Bale goal, eh no wait a minute this was live, another Bale cracker. Well, 90 minutes gone, it adds up to a 2-0 defeat, not bad under the circumstances.

But the Lennon charges towards the Inter box, they’re all backing off him, shoot… shoot… shoot, no he’s bottled it, clear right in front of goal and passed it on to Baaaalllllllleeeeeee, that bottom corner again, what a hat-trick. Inter we’re reeling, hanging on desperate for that final whistle. God only knows how that whistle only came a minute later with only 2 minutes added onto the end of this half. If the ref had given the full amount who knows but there was only one team in it.

Of course ITV were straight in with how much Bale will be sold for now, which thankfully ‘Arry poured cold water on straight away – didn’t stop the parasites talking him out of the club. Said it before and I’ll say it again, this calendar year, 2010, never mind this “best left footed winger” he’s the best player in British football and after that is there a better winger, left or right footed on the bigger stage out there?

4-3, bloody hell, what did I post after the last game, Spurs we always entertain. So a one nil loss to the very experienced champions in their back yard, down to 10 men for 80 minutes, without van der Vaart, Dawson, Ledley and Defoe to start with, with Jenas. Come on the return game at The Lane…

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