The Meh Cup

is over again.

Spurs lost out to Liverpool in the Meh… err League Cup with a bunch of kids in the only library still open in Scouseland.

Well a day late and more than a dollar short, this post and Spurs in the cups.

Pochettino stuck out a bunch of kids, the oldest outfield player being the 24 year old Tom Carroll and strangely enough it was the old guard that let ’em down.

Carroll did nowt, sideways, sideways, sideways. He’s older than the rest, he’s not really getting games, well not in the important games, hell even the lesser league games he’s not getting a sniff. He’s not pushed on and never grabbed the opportunity and honestly can anyone really seeing him dominating a game.

There’s a lot of players in front of him and without this competition for anymore game time, what is the point? It’s not like he’s 18, 19 or even 21.

Wimmer’s Alive! Err, well, just about. This wasn’t your grandad’s Wimmer. The lack of games, during the summer for his country and this season under Poch, who seems to have gone completely off him, it’s showing.

He was standout when replacing the injured Vertonghen last season. At the time it might have been the wrong decision to put Jan straight back in when he was fit. With the way he is now you see why he’s not making the bench.

Vorm was flaky on the first goal, again he doesn’t get much game time. But he was superb after, with some excellent saves. He comes in for some stick but what do people expect from a number 2. anyone in that position knows they’re not going to replace Hugo, so you need someone who’ll just get on with it. Vorm does that while being about as good a number 2 as you’ll find in the league. He’d probably walk into a few first XIs.

Janssen struggled again. He was getting little or no service that would play him in as a striker, just using his other talents for holding the ball up. Again he was doing everything right but that one thing. He had one excellent shot that was saved.

As said he wasn’t helped by those around him. Wanted to see N’koudou do well but… His slip ended in their opener. And there was no real wing play. He’s got pace but never used it, never once knocked the ball past the fullback and made for the byline, which would be perfect for Janssen. Nope just cut inside all night. Is Poch telling him to do that?

Dier had an off game. Just wasn’t involved. Things perked up when he was changed for Wanyama.

And there we have it again, changes, substitutions and Poch’s inability to go and change a game when it’s not working. Yet again screaming out for a half-time change, preferably Carroll coming off. But no I tweeted what odds on the change coming on the odd and it was spot bloody on. 59:59 just ticked over to 60:00 as Lamela ran onto the pitch.

Management by numbers.

Lamela and as said Wanyama livened things up. Both changes could have come sooner but Poch doesn’t do that. Now he’s got many things right since he arrived at the club but subs ain’t one of them. So many are head-scratchers – why would you bring him off?. And this on the hour and every ten minutes after is pathetic, rubbish, clueless. Infuriating.

Show a bit of courage, actually try and change the game.

Though one wonders if Poch really wanted to change things from a losing position in a competition he seems not to care about.

It was 2-0 to them before Wanyama came on. Sturridge gifted a couple on a plate. Oh my god you’d think he scored a pair of blinders the way the media went on at the time and after. Two absolute sitters. He completely butchered the numerous other, slightly, harder chances gifted to him. There’s a reason he didn’t play much or last at Citeh and Chelsea. But never mind, two gifts against a third string defence and he’s great.

Imagine if Janseen had scored them and missed the other sitters and did sod all else, I’m thinking he wouldn’t have been praised so highly.

Lamela won the penalty Janssen scored, well we know he can take spot kicks, while there should have been another one. Usual ref bottling it, given one, can’t give another one. And then Harrison had a golden chance late on but in a state of blind panic he butchered Lamela’s cross.

You don’t want to go out of any competition but this cup and the way the club/manager look at it is just meh as was this game…

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