Not only an away win up North

but a clean sheet as well.

Two on the trot even, now when was the last time Spurs had two clean sheets on the trot including an away game?

As ‘Arry said away to Blackburn, no matter how bad they are at playing this football malarkey, is the type of game Spurs usually roll over in. Well he didn’t quite say that, he said lose, but we all know he what he meant.

So an all round not very good performance, as Spurs seemed to be dragged down to the level of Big Sam’s side in terms of footballing skill, then having to endure half an hour with the Jenasite hanging round their neck. Christ I can see him getting back into the starting XI soon. They battled for the three points, you know the kind of thing that would get your telly sofa pundits wanking on about how this is the sign of a top side, if it was another non Spurs team.

Is it made better by the inane bleating of Allardyce? Why of course it is. Crouch fouled my defender for the first one. Yes Sam’s big lump of a defender stopped looked round and then backed into Crouch, the sole intention to play the man, forget the ball, somehow didn’t knock his lanky opponent over and even more surprising a ref didn’t penalise Crouch, now that is a rarity. Of course blocking off a player and not even having the ball in mind as an afterthought is a perfectly legal tactic in Sam’s game of anti-football.

Of course with everything else that happened over the weekend it makes those dropped points I mentioned after last weeks defeat to Wolves look even worse. Defeats to Wolves and Stoke at home, plus only a draw after being two up at Everton. That’s 8 points dropped, 8 points onto the 33 got so far and Spurs would be going into Chrimbo on 41 points level with Chelski at the top of the table.

As for other goings on, well who thought Mark Hughes would see out the season at Citeh? Come on who really thought someone who forked out nearly £40 million on a central defensive partnership of Toure and Lescott deserved to be in the job, never mind £25 mil on Adebayor. Hughes joins the list of Fergie’s Fledglings, those that do OK at a lower level, lower league or in Jockland but aren’t really up to the top positions. Hughes an adequate manager at Blackburn and with Wales where you can get by with no expectations. But once something is expected then flaws appear all too easily.

As for the indignation after the Citeh v Sunderland match from Hughes’ old captain about the situation, were we really being told a lesson in loyalty by a man, Steve Bruce, who has jumped shipped at nearly ever opportunity during his 12 year 7 (six different) club managerial career?

Last week Liverpool celebrated 50 years since Bill Shankly took over the club and made something out of it. He did so by remodelling the club in his image. Thankfully 50 years on the current manager, Captain Pugwash, has done exactly the same thing. That’s why they are a dour, dull, boring, laughing stock. Even his line in sarcasm is retarded when the ref actually did have a perfect game, especially with the sending off. Remember when Leeds didn’t get into the Champions League, they had a mountain of debt and a team that didn’t get on with the manager in the end. What happened to them? To think they had better players than the mob that’s given up playing for Pugwash.

The one question Mick McCarthy didn’t ask about those that criticised his team choice last midweek was – will they say it to his face. Yes you Mr. Arse Whinger, you the one who likes to shove the fourth official between yourself and your opposite number when things get a bit heated. But then you wouldn’t have said it if you could beat Burnley and of course your chums in the media all fall for it.

And through it all you can’t believe the luck of Fergie, can you. Thumped by Fulham, christ they made Zamora look half decent, fifth defeat of the season already and we aren’t out of 2009 and yet it’s really all glossed over with because of the failings of others.

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