B.B.C. get something right
shocker, have the Beeb finally listened to their paymasters as they have brought Mike Carlson in to be the analyst during their Super Bowl broadcast? read the rest of this rubbish
The ramblings of a Toxic mind…
shocker, have the Beeb finally listened to their paymasters as they have brought Mike Carlson in to be the analyst during their Super Bowl broadcast? read the rest of this rubbish
The journalist unions are up in arms about job cuts at the B.B.C. in a classic case of 1950's 'I'm All Right Jack' they like 10 people doing the job of one. read the rest of this rubbish
Why do TV companies spoil their programmes with stupid banners telling us what's on next and then drown out the dialogue doing exactly the same? read the rest of this rubbish
For some reason twenty five years after first getting an audience on British TV the BBC is going to show some NFL with the London game and the Super Bowl, can they be worse than ITV? read the rest of this rubbish
On sunday nights MotD2 they answered what was up with Alan Hansen's face, a bit of an accident with a candle but did it ring true? read the rest of this rubbish
A typical response by the British papers and increasingly tabloid TV news about some dull documentary about Diana's death which doesn't show any gore. read the rest of this rubbish
Sir Patrick Moore may be a grumpy old eccentric duffer but he's right about British Tv being ruined by women. read the rest of this rubbish
ITV are replacing the channel Men & Motors on Freeview with some crappy quiz channel for idiots. read the rest of this rubbish
Why are Philips running TV ads for their Simplicity Open MRI when you can't buy one in the shops. read the rest of this rubbish
That Crazy Frog has whipped up some angry responses to the 2000 times a day it's ad was shown read the rest of this rubbish